To specify the URLs to report on

By default, all URLs are reported on. However, if you are creating a detailed report and only wish to report on selected URLs, you can specify the URLs.

  1. In the left-hand pane, click My Report Builders or All Report Builders.

  2. From the list in the right-hand pane, select a Report Builder.

  3. On the toolbar, choose .

  4. On the Report Builder Properties window, choose the Settings tab.

  5. Within Report Sections, for Web activity, ensure Include in report is selected (ticked).

  6. Expand Web activity, and click Choose to display the Select window.

  7. Type the URL that you want to report on and then click the Add button.

  8. Repeat step 7 for all the URLs that you want to report on.

  9. Click OK to close the Select window.
